Montessori Wing

A World of Infinite Possibilities

The Montessori Wing of Salwan Public School is a citadel of learning which offers students the highest quality education through an innovative child – centric curriculum. The combination of excellent resources and dedicated teachers, encourage and support each student’s individual learning style. The school environment fosters self-confidence, instils a joy of learning, and develops leadership skills.

Early childhood education serves as the foundation for all future learning. Moral and aesthetic development along with character building are as important as academic achievements. The school aims to foster holistic development of each student at all levels-promoting physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.

Latest Updates

सलवान फेस्ट - भगवद्गीता श्लोकोच्चारण

बृहस्पतिवार, 22 अगस्त 2024 को सलवान पब्लिक स्कूल, राजेन्द्र नगर…

RIDS Activity Social Science and French Department

Recognition of International Dimension in Schools programme held on Thursday,…

School Admission

Salwan Public School, Mayur Vihar is a co-educational Senior Secondary School affiliated to CBSE.